I sold my 2000 K1200 LT to John Jones in Green Bay, WI and he rented a car and came to KCI airport Wednesday evening. He had his 12 year old son with him and I picked them up and brought them to Topeka. They loaded their equipment into the saddle bags and after a visit with them the LT is history. I had it three years and one day and put 44,000 miles on it. I did not have a breakdown or any repair other than maintenance.
I purchased a 2005 BMW R1200 GS from Andy Jackson from Pierre, SD. It had 10,226 miles on it when I picked it up. My son-in-law Roger went with me Saturday morning to Sioux Falls, SD where we met Andy at noon. After a visit and a burger I headed home with it and Roger drove the car home.
The GS is about 300 pounds lighter and much more nimble than the LT. It does however allow more air to hit me which will be good in the hot weather but probably not in the cold and rain. It was very windy coming home but it handles well in the wind. I rode it today after Mass and went west of Dover and took the Skyline Mill Creek Road into the Flint Hills which is a rock road. I even took off up a very rustic path through some water and up a hill. I am going to like this bike. The LT was too big and heavy to do anything like this. This bike has 100 HP and is really likes to go. I plan to head to Alaska on it next year.