I left Cottonwood Falls and went north on hwy 177 to Strong City and on north coming to the historic Z-Bar Ranch. I stopped there for a spell and spoke with the Park Service attendant. I want to go back when I have more time and tour the house and even go for a hike on there trail. There are some good pictures of the ranch on this website: http://www.galenfrysinger.com/kansas_zbar_ranch.htm
I also took a picture of the school just up the road. There is an article about it at:

This trip was 2,177 miles visiting 60 counties. I averaged 41.6 miles per gallon mostly due to the high winds. I normally average from 45 to 49 mpg. I spent a total of $450 for motels, gas and food. I rode a total of 4,080 miles visiting all the counties and this included a trip to Edgar, Nebraska for a funeral. Some counties were overlapped due to several trips so with better planning a few miles could be eliminated.
Kansas as wonderful secondary roads with most having a speed limit of 65. I mostly ran 69 to 70 with the exception in Gove County where it hit 94.5 for a very short distance just to blow out the cobs!
Kansas is very diverse with urban in the east and very rural in the west. Western Kansas has great crops this year so it was a good year to travel out there. Some years it is so dry the crops are not good even with irrigation. Most farms have center pivot irrigation systems and one wonders how many years the water will hold out. The new wheat crop is looking good for next years crop so maybe they will have another good year next year. It should really help the economy with a good wheat crop and great fall crop. They will probably pay some big taxes this year.
Well it was a great experience to get to know Kansas better. When you ride secondary roads and drive through all the small towns and go into town to find the courthouse you end up with a much better feel for what the rural life is like. There are some really nice small towns in Kansas so maybe your next vacation you should pick out some counties and enjoy them. I could have spent much more time exploring in the towns and the counties. There is a lot to see in Kansas!
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